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FY 2024
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The village of Wales is one of the oldest communities in the Bering Strait region. The Inupiaq language name for Wales is Kingigin (the high place), named for the mountain that rises above it . Wales people refer to themselves as Kingikmiut, "the people of Kingigin."

Location: Wales is located at 65°36′44″N 168°5′21″W (65.612116, -168.089285).

Wales is located on the westernmost point of the American mainland, Cape Prince of Wales, on the western tip of the Seward Peninsula. It is at the northern end of the Continental Divide where the Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean meet. It is 111 miles (179 km) northwest of Nome.

Transportation: Regional Air service include Bering Air.

Population: approximately 140 Clinic phone: (907) 664-3311

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